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Our lead Designer got Unblocked by Little Orbit!
Now we are looking forward to make plans and final rules for our Event "SailorMoons Revival", which we'll call
"SailorMoons Revival Celebration"!
We have started our Event: "SailorMoons Revival"
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Our lead Designer SailorMoons is still banned! :S
We have got no statement of Gamersfirst (Reloaded Games (US/UK) to the messages we have had sent so far.
Our lead Designer SailorMoons got Banned by an GM's IP and/or HWID ban method that was triggered by my game Account/s.
Somehow this ban method had hit SailorMoons's game Account to, which had obviously nothing to do with my game Account/s.
We had wrote an support ticket to Gamersfirst (Reloaded Games (US/UK)) with PROOFEs that SailorMoons and i had used different PC's. We even had played together on occasion!
My PC (with separate HDD/s for my bro SailorMoons)
My bro always played on his HDD while using my PC (for performance reasons). I myself had never logged in with his account at my HDD/s. At the support ticket i also ask for an Statement of them with the reason of this ban.
Now we are waiting for an response of Gamersfirst (Reloaded Games (US/UK)).
WEEKEND MADNESS: 50% off at all SMS products!
Beginns at 18.March.2016 till 20.March.2016
We start with a mass sale of the vehicle Han veo "Subaru" (2 & 3 slot)
After that we sell everything with 50% off <3
This event will last from Friday till Sunday and is only coming back every 3 months.
SMS Customs always the strongest designs!
SMS Customs always the strongest designs!
Weekend Madness: 50% off at all SMS products!
This event will last from Friday till Sunday and is only coming back every 3 months.
SMS Customs always the strongest designs!
CHRISTMAS EVENT *Raffle* is finished!
The list of winners is now released at Event Winners!
Check if your character name is listed in there, you have time to contact SailorMoons
until the 29.December.2015 UTC+1! Otherwise all wins will be void!
SMS Customs always the strongest designs!
CHRISTMAS EVENT! starting at 24.December.2015!
SMS Customs always the strongest designs!
Yahiko Pain Ingame screenshot released!
Also: i made some little changes at the v1 version.
(sadly now you have no picture of the old version to compare with)
All customers had been informed to get a free update.
SMS Customs always the strongest designs!
The work at the symbol project "Yahiko Pain" has been finished.
Ingame picture will be shown here soon.
This symbol is now available at Market Place for 250k.
SMS Customs always the strongest designs!
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